Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rules and Forts...

Prompt: A rule we have at our house is...

 A rule we have at our house is saying no curse words because we are fully Christians. Also, never swear. First of all, the Bible says not to use God's name in any other way but praise. Second of all, swear words are not good to teach children. That's our rule.

 A rule we have at our house is NO running because we have an old lady under us and every time she hears a thump she calls the office at our apartments so we can barely even walk there. At least she uses a broom before she calls though!

 Prompt: If I could build a fort...

 If I could build a fort, I would build it with rocks, chairs, blankets, and some pillows. It would be fun because it would be a haunted house! --Dillon

 If I could build a fort, I would build it out of meteorites! It would cover the the sun so it would not get any sunlight, not even a crack of light! If anyone touched it, it would burn their hands!

 If I built a fort, I would make it out of steel! It would be bullet proof and no one could break in which means, NO GIRLS ALLOWED! I really mean it!

Monday, September 23, 2013

What I Saw in the Teacher's Lounge...

Last spring we were blessed with a visit from Jerry Pallotta; a well known author of children's books. The following prompt is based off his book, What I Saw in The Teacher's Lounge... .

 Prompt: When I peeked in the teacher's lounge, I saw...  

 When I peeked in the teacher's lounge, I saw Mrs. Coffin along with two other teachers having a disco party! Others were having a surfboarding party. Mrs. Lingenfelter, my second grade teacher, was hang gliding over everybody. Mr. Long was playing tennis with a banana! It must be fun being a teacher! 

 When I peeked in the teacher's lounge, I saw a teacher mountain climbing and another in the North Pole with penguins and Santa Claus. I saw another in a submarine with a lot of fish! All of a sudden, I heard a voice say, "Wake up Oz!" and then I woke up and realized that it was all a dream. Guess what? At school today, it all came true! 

  When I peeked in the teacher's lounge, I saw the third grade teachers swimming with whales and the fourth grade teachers in Hawaii. The second grade teachers were shopping in Paris and the first grade teachers were in Texas riding horses. The Kindergarten teachers were having a disco party and the student teachers were getting famous!

When I peeked in the teacher's lounge, I saw Mrs. Coffin fighting a prehistoric dragon! Mrs. Mather was fighting a mountain dragon! It was crazy! Then I saw a Megladon slam the door open and say, "No peeking in the teacher's lounge!" Then he slammed the door! I didn't listen though! The next day, I peeked again and saw Ms. Roberts fighting a forest dragon in the forest. I couldn't resist. I went in! I had lots of fun but I got a red slip. I kept looking in the teacher's lounge. Now I want to be a teacher when I grow up!

Fall Is In The Air...

Prompt: The first day of Fall was yesterday. I like Fall because... 

 The first day of Fall was yesterday. I like Fall because I like jumping in the leaves! I love to hide in a pile and scare my mom! I also like to to make jack-o-lanterns and cookies! I love Fall! 

 The first day of Fall was yesterday. I like fall because Fall has a lot of colorful leaves -- brown, red, green, and yellow. Fall is beautiful!

 The first day of Fall was yesterday. I like fall because of the cooler days AND it is closer to my birthday which is October 24th! It is also closer to Halloween and I want to be Scream so I can scare my sister! Now you know what I like about Fall!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Days...Our Writings

We have been journaling up a storm in 3rd grade! We are taking our prompts from "My Days...My Writings". These third graders have so much to say and share about themselves! They have many adventures that they are dying to tell us about! What better venue to do that than a blog? Enjoy!

 Prompt: When I grow up... 

 When I grow up, I want to work at the Henry Doorly Zoo. I want to feed penguins, sharks, and giraffes! Once in awhile, I even want to clean the shark tank. I would probably like to work in the butterfly den too, but I would want to be where you check to see if people have butterflies that landed on them when they went in the butterfly zone. 
by, Phoebe 

 When I grow up I want a Dodge Challenger with wide tires and DUB rims and hydraulics! 
by, Adrian

When I grow up, I want to be an NBA player because I am good! I want to be like Micheal Jordan!

When I grow up, I want to be a cop. I want to be a cop because I get a car, a taser, and a gun!

When I grow up, I want to be a paleontologist! I would get to drive and dig up bones!

When I grow up, I want to work at the hospital. I think I would be good at it because on my Kindle Fire, I bought this game where I am a nurse and if I am really good at being a nurse then I get to be a doctor! One of the patients had knee surgery! I want to work at a hospital!

When I grow up, I want to be a lion tamer in the circus! I would be good at that job because I know a lot about lions. I would train it and practice once a week! It would be fun in my opinion.

These are just the beginning!  Keep checking  back for more great journal entries!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Playground Procedures With GO!ANIMATE!

We are required to go over playground procedures with students several times during the school year. It might be goofy, but I'm hoping students will REALLY HEAR these playground procedures! Give GO!ANIMATE a try! Super easy and fun too! Playground Rules loricoffin GoAnimate

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fired Up About Third Grade

I LOVE third grade!  My castle themed classroom might look medieval, but our technology implementation is certainly not!  In addition to the good ol' computer, we use clickers, mobis, iPads, aaaaannnnnnnnd TWITTER

Two years ago, I was frustrated with the communication gap between home and school.  All students were/are provided with planners.  I would ensure that the planners would get filled out, into the backpacks, and out the door (most of the time).  Unforfortunately, too many were NOT getting into the hands of the parents.  I tried incentives, and yes, I even tried consequences, but the same families were still struggling to CONNECT. Then one glorious, revolutionary day, I stepped out a couple of minutes early in preparation for after school duty.  There were the parents, standing by the doors or sitting in their cars, waiting for their kiddos to blast through those school doors at the 3:15 bell.  However, hardly anyone even noticed me as I came out with a smile on my face, ready for a few seconds of adult conversation!  Do you know why???  They were all on their phones!!  Their thumbs were moving faster than the speed of light!  THAT is when it hit me!!  If I want to CONNECT with families, I must MEET THEM WHERE THEY ARE AT!!!!  ...And where are they?  Families of the 21st century are consumed with social media and technology!!!  That was the day my classroom kingdom entered the "twitterverse"!

My classroom uses Twitter for announcements, special shout outs, activity highlights, and classroom action shots (Be sure to adhere to your districts online picture policy).  It has also become an unexpected behavior management tool!  Students who are "plugged in" and engaged are the ones who are the first to tweet (Although, I must admit, I am constantly scanning the room to catch one of those sluggish learners on task in order to hand them an iPad. It is amazing how they rise to the occassion when they are responsible for our classroom tweet of the hour).

Are you asking if it has made a difference?  The answer is a resounding YES!  Families LOVE receiving LIVE updates during their day seeing and reading what their children are up to!  I have had several parents tell me that reading our tweets really livens up the dinner time conversation!  No more saying, "nothing" when asked what they did at school that day!! Parents also like getting announcements and reminders on "their time" instead of having their student bring their planner to them when they are cooking dinner, driving down the road, or helping a sibling with homework. 

This year, we even had a parent keep us updated on the condition of her daughter after surgery.  It was a great way to communicate with the parent and send some special shout outs to our recuperating student whom we missed very much (Ask me more about how we did that because we do not follow anyone.  I will be glad to share why that is too if you're curious).

Twitter has revolutionized the way I communicate and collaborate with families. However, we still have our work cut out for us.  We still have many families who do not have internet access.  Therefore, planners are still being used.  We also battle the time crunch along with every other classroom.  Therefore, missed opportunities to tweet have occurred too many times.  That's okay though, because the use of Twitter in my classroom continues to evolve.  This year, I want more curriculum content and examples to be tweeted by students.  I have brainstormed that the daily classroom helper could be our "Tweety" of the day.  The brainstorming continues and I am thrilled that I do not have to do all myself.  There are some great articles, blog posts, and yes, tweets on this very subject.  Here are a couple great ones to get ya goin'!

"20 Ways to Use Twitter With Your Students"

"Teachers Roadmap to the Use of Twitter in Education"
If you are considering Twitter for your classroom, I encourage you to go for it!  However, be sure to research, plan, and organize for success.  Make your policy, norms, and expectations clear to students.  Be sure to monitor all tweets.  Promote, advertise, remind, and advertise some more so parents get signed up and follow you.  Decide if, how, and who your class will follow.  Lastly, and most importantly, FOLLOW US @MrsCoffinsClass https://twitter.com/MrsCoffinsClass!
I would love to help, brainstorm, and problem solve with you as you get started!  Leave me a comment or question!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Am I a Modern Teacher?


What makes a modern teacher?  Is it one who just walked across the stage this spring receiving their diploma and obtaining their first teaching certificate?  Is it one who just completed their master's degree?  Or is it one who keeps up with the latest trends of students?

In the article, "The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have," it defines a modern teacher as one that can:

1.) Build Your PLN

2.) Establish Real Relationships

3.) Understand Where Technology Fits in Education

4.) Know How to Find Useful Resources

5.) Manage Your Online Reputation

6.) Know How to Correctly Blog

7.) Slow Down

8.) Make Social Media Work For You

9.) Don't Be Afraid of Failing

10.) Know When to Disconnect
This article is JaM pAcKeD with great information, expanding on each of the above skills.  However, since this is my first blog, I want to focus on the sixth skill.  I must be honest and admit that when I scanned these ten skills, this sixth skill frustrated me a little. Instructional technology is a constant draw and passion of mine.  I LOVE the challenge of learning the latest program, app., or device. HOWEVER (yes, here comes my confession), I do NOT have a Facebook account and I have never had a blog because I have always considered these time zappers FOR ME.  Journaling or browsing these forums eat up the time (which you know teachers do not have much of) that I can spend discovering and mastering something new!  I immediately got offended with number six and wanted to yell, "But look at number eight!  Blogs don't work for me!"
Thank goodness I did not stop with my skim!  The article states that blogging can consist of uploading snapshots of your classroom.  Whooo Hoooo!  I do that anyway!!  I never thought of THAT as blogging.  However, what is more powerful is knowing what blogging should never be.  The article states, "There is a wrong way to blog (and modern teachers should know what that is).  It's basically sharing too much information online."
Can I hear an "AMEN"?  I encourage you to read this thought provoking and challenging article for yourself.  You can find it at: http://www.edudemic.com/2013/03/the-10-skills-modern-teachers-must-have/
Also, stay tuned to my "blog".  I do not know how much journaling you will see, but I can guarantee that you will see some RoCkIn' pictures of third grade in action at Grant Elementary! 
Am I a "Modern Teacher"?  I am on my way!  It is the race that never ends!